
Fire Orb

As Frederick Douglass said, "It is not light that we need; but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the erhtquake." Fire orbs are a very beautiful thing to see, but it's just as tricky to photograph. There are alot of things that can go wrong when using fire, especially fire swinging on a rope, as the subject in the photograph is using. I took this photo on night on the beach when my one friend invited me and a few other people to experiment with the idea of photographing fire. The fire was created by using oxidized steal wool inside a almost kitchen whisk like container. The steal wool was then set on fire and we had to swing the 'kitchen whisk', attached to a piece of rope, in a circular motion. I had to set my camera up on a rock, because I didn't have my tripod with me at the time, on a slow shutter speed to be able to capture the fire orb. Although I didn't manage to capture a perfect fire orb, it was s

Take Off

  As Dorothea Lange said, "Photography taakes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still." This photo was taken in the old city of Venezia in 2019 while I was waiting for the the boat that was going to take me back to my hotel room, the Seagull was sitting on one of the wooden posts holding the bridge to the dock together. It sat there for about 5 minutes entertaining all the people waiting on the dock by fluttering its wings and doing almost acrobating actions. It would fly off and the land a few seconds later doing tricks in the air, it did this 4 times just enjoying itself. This photo is a perfect example of the quote that I used at the beginning of this post, the bird will always be frozen in time in this photo in its take off pose, therefore "altering its life". 

The Feral Cats of Rome

As Dorothea Lange said, "The camera is an instrument that teaches people to see without a camera." The photo above  perfectly reperesents this quote, because of the fact that the people walking around the woman don't even seem to acknowledge the fact that this moment was happening and probably just walked past without noticing  her feeding one of Romes feral cats. Rome has a large feral cat population roaming its streets. But instead of the city council seeing the cats as a problem they see the cats as part of Rome's heritage. In 2001, these cats that live in the Forum, the Coliseum and Torre Argentina, where this photo was taken, were officially named as part of the city's "bio-heritage." I had the privilage of capturing this moment between the woman and the cat. This encounter between the woman and the cat is proof that some people do still have humanity in them.

Rubi Sunglasses

  Rubi is a worldwide accessories and footwear brand that brings us the latest trends into everyday clothing. Their story formally started in 2008, this is because the Cotton On Group team saw the potential to take their clothing knowledge one step further, this in turn helped to complete the Cotton On Body and the Cotton On womenswear looks. An interdependent range of accessories and shoes was created by the Cotton On team and stores committed to accessories and shoes were opened. Rubi states that they believe that real style has no price tag and that is why their products are as they put it “ultra-affordable”, their products are created to fit with the look that their customers love. Accessories from Rubi include Bags, Sunglasses, Hats and Hair Accessories, etc. Rubi has an extensive array of mirrored lenses and frames to choose from when deciding which sunglasses fit in with your aesthetic. The sunglasses in the picture have a clear half frame cat eye and light pink lenses.

Blue Bird

  As Harry Callahan said, “I wish more people felt that photography was an adventure the same as life itself and felt that their individual feelings were worth expressing. To me, that makes photography more exciting.” This bird intrigued me as soon as I laid my eyes on it, when I saw the bird I got a feeling like it was almost as if the bird was hiding a secret from me that I so desperately wanted to know. The striking blue colour of this birds feathers as well as the bright orange eye compelled me to photograph the bird as it was the first of its kind that I had ever seen. Still to this day I have never seen another bird of its kind making this photograph very special to me because it was almost as if I had this strong gut feeling to go and fetch my camera and photograph the bird that was perched on a old telephone poll. The bird stayed perched on the poll until I got this photo and then turned its head to look at me and then flew away. 

The Forest

  As John F. Carlson said, “To the artist, the forest is an asylum of peace and dancing shadows.” This quote resonates very deeply with me as I find all of my inspiration as a photographer and as an artist in nature, and mostly trees. There is something so beautiful, yet haunting about a forest. Trees give off a lot of energy, be it negative or positive. To me there is nothing better than being left alone surrounded by a big group of trees, there is this sense of peace and tranquillity that overcomes me when I am surrounded by trees and nature. It gives me a chance to clear my head and focus on the good things in my life and also helps me to figure out solutions to problems that I am having and helps me to forget about all the stressors that comes with living in our modern world that is filled with so many problems and terrifying things. 

Burning Fruit

  This photo was taken after the fire broke out at the truck yard. The reason behind me taking this specific photograph was because it almost reminded me of photos I have seen before of the aftermath of an earthquake which is an alien thing to me as I have never experienced one. The sunlight casted a patch of light on a section of the photograph which put more emphasis on the photograph. This photograph evokes a sombre mood caused by destruction, although the flames, even though it was destructive, added a beautiful aspect to the photo. For me fire is an amazing thing to have the opportunity to photograph as I see the beauty in the destruction of things. Ash can also be seen in the photograph because of the cardboard packaging still busy burning. In the foreground more of the destroyed fruit can be seen scorched by the fire.